Saturday, January 3, 2009


*ready stock*
- Feel energized
- Relieves Allergies
- Normalizes Blood Pressure
- Relief of Arthritis or joint pains
- Reduces Water Retention
- Boosts the Immune System
- Increases
Blood Circulation

- 排毒美容、清体养颜、吸脂减肥,促进新 陈代谢、增强免疫功能
- 促进睡眠、舒缓疲劳、改善便秘口臭,体臭、脚臭腹胀现象;
- 清除体内杂质、净化血液;
- 祛除体内湿气,足底或关节部位的压力迅速减轻关节炎的疼痛,风湿的烦恼;
- 平衡人体脏器功能,降血压 .

Ashley : okay,i know it looks REALLY GROSS.but hell,better than keeping them INSIDE your body right?X)

Brief description of the product:
Through extensive research based on the natural healing powers of organic substances produced by nature, it was discovered that wood and bamboo vinegar extracts have the unique property of adsorbing harmful bodily toxins. Scientists soon discovered by combining several of motherly nature's most powerful healing elements together it was possible to create a 100% organic body detoxification formula that works wonders. The ingredients include:
Wood Vinegar, Bamboo Vinegar, Chitosan, Dokudami, Loquat leaf, Vitamin C, Vegetable fiber, Tourmaline, Dextrin.
Our high quality ingredients offer the highest pure Tourmaline of 30% (1.50g of 5), which can generate the negative ion sand infra-red energy.

产 品 介 绍
-军之贡牌足贴(植物原聚素足底排毒美容贴)透过足底穴位,将体内的湿气、毒素从足下排出,可以舒缓紧张,改善疲劳现象,改善睡眠、皮肤质量,改善亚健 康不适,不可思议的神奇效果看得见也感受得到.


Before going to bed and first clean foot,
1. Remove adhesive backing
2. Apply printed side of pad to adhesive
3. Apply to desired area on the sole of your foot
4. Remove and discard after 8-10 hour
Continue to use until discoloration subsides.
You can also apply it on other parts of your body.
Result difference before and after 8-10 hours


RM6.00 (1 pair)
RM5.00 per pair (5 pair)

review by Ashley:
didnt really trust it before using it,cuz yeah,I'm sure that you guys are thinking about the same thing "really got that geng anot oh?"
I myself bought 5 pairs and used 1 pair per night.I don't feel the difference during the 1st day.But after the 3rd pair,I realised that I poo smoother*yucks?* haha*, my face does not look that pale like i mentioned @ my blog before instead I felt MUCH BETTER!
I gave 2 pairs to my godmother who has problem on her legs,her puffness on her leg reduced fantastically and she actually asked for more! =)

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