Sunday, January 4, 2009

My Scheming Beauty Mask

ready stock,Grab it before anyone does!!!

pre-order and whole-seller are mostly welcomed

this brand is a super hot selling item, its cheaper on the price, but not in its quality!

the most famous series of this brand's product are moisture, whitening, anti wrinkle, anti blemish and pimple.

ask for more info if u need it.

RM5.00 (1 PC)
RM4.50 (5 PCS)
RM4.30 per pcs (10 PCS)

RM4.00 per pcs ( 20 PCS)

**DIAMOND SERIES(which provides an even better result!) AND EYE MASK ARE ALL IN SAME PRICE**

*click to enlarge the picture*

We are pretty sure that most of you are teens,but it doesnt mean that you don't have to take care of your eyes!they might look stunning right now,but who knows what would happen next?there are girls who got wrinkles at the age of 13 too!we girls just spent too much time on tv,computer,hp and all those high-tech stuff which is bringing us wrinkles,eye-bags and all that,protect them before its too late!!


relieves stress, anti-wrinkles

玻尿酸保濕水晶月牙型眼膜 code: SB02

moisture, anti-ageing

Q10膠原蛋白水晶月牙型眼膜 code: SB03

firming, anti-wrinkle, moisture

左旋C膠原蛋白水晶月牙型眼膜 code: SB04

prevents eye bag n dark circle, reduces wrinkles, increases blood circulation

頂級左旋C面膜 L-ASCORBIC ACID code: SB05

great for rough skin

whitening effect, anti-wrinkles,moisturises,roughness and darkness


角質深層清潔面膜 DEEP CLEASING MASK code: SB06

great for dark colored skin

anti-blemishes,anti-zits, whitening*really chun if you want a fairer skin!* calming, increases metabolism rate

安抚,镇定,预防粉刺。加速肌膚新陳代謝,更新老廢角質,促進有效成分吸收, 全方位改善肌膚問題,使肌膚保持晶瑩剔透,白皙自然的膚色. 适合膚色暗淡者使用。


great for damaged skin

anti-blemishes, tightens ur skin immiedietly, anti UV, moisture.


蘆薈維他命 E ALOE VERA + VIT.E code: SB08

great for combined skin

moisturises, anti-dryness and anti-ageing. rich in vitamin E,whitening,cleansing,firming and glowing!!


薄荷膠原蛋白面膜 collagen+menthol extract mask code: SB09

great for ACNE and OILY SKINS

control oils and minimizes pores, anti bacteria
absorb excess oil from your skin, tightens pore, deep cleansing.


code: SB10

great for DRY SKINS

skin glowing effect, tightens n firming. long tern usage will minimize wrinkle, excellent moistursing effect, lock up water content, essence content.

使肌膚明亮、緊緻有彈性 • 長期使用能延緩細紋滋生 •有很好的保溼效果,能留住肌膚水分, 減緩乾性肌膚缺水乾燥的現象, 重現飽滿豐潤的膚質,精華液成分, 讓肌膚水嫩嫩,光滑的留不住細紋.

綠茶薏仁面膜 GREEN TEA EXTRACT code: SB11

great for DRY and ROUGH SKINS

improves skin smoothness, repairing your damaged skin, suits for those who wearing make-up all the day,anti oxidant, brightens skin


綠茶草本抗痘面膜 OSMOSOFT code: SB12


control oily skin, tightens, minimize pore, prevent blemishes. excellent effect in whitening. cure acne and protect from harmful molecules


珍珠粉蛋白面膜 PEARL EXTRACT code: SB13

great for dry skin

locks-up the water content in your skin,makes your skin silky smooth!

提升肌膚活力,保持肌膚的水份及彈性. 特別推薦乾燥無彈性膚質使用。可使肌膚維持極佳的保水度, 可使水份不流失外,亦極有滋潤度,敷後如絲緞般柔滑


great for dry skin

*highly recommended*

stimulate cells growth, the ingredients make your skin looks like as if you just drunk 10 litters of water, effective in anti-ageing, flabby skin.


特濃紅酒多酚面膜 RED WINE POLYPHENOLS code: SB15

great for pale skin

excellent anti-oxidant effect, improve skin glowing n firming, increases blood circulation,


牛奶美白保濕面膜 MILK EXTRACT code: SB16

great for dark-colored skin

tightens skin, restore elasticity, excellent effect in moisture. keep on using it and your skin will become clearer+fairer. immediately improve skin roughness and darkness. you will feel perfect, smoother, fairer after using it!

可緊實肌膚,恢復彈性,對於保濕有極佳的效果,長期使用肌膚會更明亮透白,立即改善臉部肌膚粗糙、無光澤的問題使 肌膚重現完美,柔細光滑、白皙細膩、舒緩平滑

熊果素亮白無暇面膜 ARBUTIN EXTRACT code: SB17

great for dark-colored skin

effectiveness in blocking black element growth in our skin. improves skin unbalanced color tone.


淨化調理面膜 IRIS EXTRACT code: SB18

great for oily skin

oil-control, minimize pore. added high moisture ingredients to restore the water content inside your skin.


埔里酒粕面膜 SAKE KOJIC EXTRACT code: SB19

great for ROUGH and DARK skins

makes skin clearer and fairer by increasing the skin's metabolism rate, improves your skin because it's enriched with pitera that smoothens the skin

使肌膚清透白皙並能促進肌膚的新陳代謝, 改善肌膚方面等等問題,因為含有豐富的 pitera 可使肌膚更光滑

Q10膠原蛋白面膜 Q10 COLLAGEN code: SB20

great for loose skin

the most important ingredient(Q10) to makes skin younger!!!

Q10 makes your skin become firmer and tighter while collagen has the double effect on it too.



My Scheming Beauty diamond Facial Masks


Improves cell growth, prevents and improves wrinkle, delays ageing and maintains youthful skin. effective in locking water content to maintain a smoother and baby-ish skin


十五胜肽全效胺基酸面膜 ARGIRELINE+AMINO MASK code: SB22

to block sensory conduct, letting cell muscle relief in a peace condition. effective in controling wrinkle n muscle contract activities. it helps skin to improve tightness, and less wrinkle on ur face.

能阻断神经传导, 使肌肉细胞呈现放松状态. 有效舒缓并抰制细纹及皱纹周边肌肉的收缩与活动. 帮助肌肤弹性组织回复柔顺平滑的线条, 减少脸部细纹.

燕窩膠原蛋白鑽石級面膜 BIRD NEST+COLLAGEN MASK code: SB23

Gives the skin two times moisture, prevents dehydration, improves skin's metabolism rate, prevents small wrinkles to appear and tightens your skin


海洋深層水鑽石級面膜 code: SB24

replenishes what your skin needs, moisten skin, restores the water content your skin needs, improves the elasticity of your skin letting your skin glow radiantly. helps skin to improve resistance, comforts and heals hypersensitive skin, restores cell which lets makes your skin healthier.


深海魚子鑽石級精華 code:SB25

contains ingredients that maintains healthy skin, helps to restore the losses of tissue in your skin, lets the skin develope in a better way you ever had. letting your skin more baby-ish and silky smooth.


金盞花舒緩鑽石級面膜 code: SB27

added many natural ingredients from plants and marigold liquid insert as it's essence, during the moment of using the mask, using multi moisturing content and nutrient to moisture the skin and letting it absorb to the deep skin layer.

將多種植物性保濕成分以及金盞花萃取液注入在精華液中, 在敷臉的過程,能使多種保濕成分以及養分充分滋潤肌膚完全滲透至肌膚深層,使肌膚充滿彈性和水嫩的光澤感.

高麗人蔘鑽石級面膜 GINSENG EXTRACT MASK code: SB28

Added ginseng essence to improve skin tone problem. natural anti oxidant effect, to improve blood circular system, cell growth, improve skin youthful and tightens, high water content.


Get them now while stocks lasts and have a chic & beautiful CNY!!!

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